Ir-Rebbiegħa tal-Festival hija l-iktar vaganza importanti fiċ-Ċina, filwaqt li l-muniti Ċiniżi taż-Zodiac huma popolari ħafna mhux biss fiċ-Ċina, iżda wkoll ħafna pajjiżi matul l-istaġun speċifiku. Iż-Zodiac huwa prodotti kulturali prezzjużi Ċiniżi u n-nies jqisuha bħala tip ta 'simbolizzazzjoni ta' xortik tajba u ta 'fortuna. Tnax-il annimal huma l-eqreb annimali u għall-ħajja soċjali u ta 'kuljum tagħna, u għalhekk isiru l-aktar simboli kulturali familjari għan-nies.
Pretty Shiny Gifts designs and produces the zodiac coins to our esteemed customer as a gift every year, for the hope of bring our customers lucky and prosperity. The coins are stamped from brass material with 3D relief on both sides, highly polished with mirror effect for the recessed metal and matte plating for the raised logo part. The proof-like coin can bring bright & matte contract, and make the logo more outstanding. These 3D designed proof coins are great for gifts, also fun for collectors. There various of package options for your choosing from, sealed PVC pouch, plastic box as well as velvet pouch, wooden box and more. We hope your open coins designs bring inspiration to your design. Simply email your draft designs for both sides to, our factory shall return you high quality customized coins by return.
Kwalità l-ewwel, sigurtà garantita